Belmeko is manufacturer of made to measure wet paint installations. It has its own engineering, production and assembling of spray walls, paint spray booths, drying ovens, sanding booths, paint mixing rooms, paint storage rooms en overhead conveyor systems (from manual to power & free).
De Bosbeke_natlak_foto 1
Paint finishing equipment for woodworking industry with high gloss paint
Adjustable dubble Painting cabine for manual painting of small and big parts
Customized Painting cabine for industrial parts
Spray cabin with crossflow ventilation and flash off/ dry area for wet paint application
Coating installation for wood interior and furniture
Spray room for wood industry
Semi-downdraft booth for woodworking industry
Paint workshop in wood industry: sanding booth, painting room, flash-off area, drying booth and mixing room
Paintbooth for carpenter
Mixing room and spraybooth looking as one integrated unit
One spraybooth with two separate spray areas
Wet spray painting of doors in dry filter spray booth
Painting cabin with manual conveyor system
Wet paint application booth for furniture and interior
Dry filter spray booth with diagonal ventilation
Wet paint installation with manual conveyor
Commercial spray booth with turning point to rotate the pieces in front of the spray wall
Paint finishing equipment for wooden windows: spraybooth with manual conveyor
Coating plant for wood working industry: sanding area, spraying area, drying area, mixing room and paint storage
Two spray area for two painters in one spray booth
Dry filter booth
Total painting system for a furniture maker
Painting of wooden furniture thanks to paint finishing equipment
Coating plant for a carpenter
Installation to paint kitchens
Total paint workshop for woodworking industry: machines to sand, paint and dry the paint
Commercial spraybooth with 3 painting zones
Spray booth with andrea filtering
Overview of a painting department
Dry filter spray booth which has 2 painting areas
Industrial painting of wooden doors
Coating plant with active carbon filtration system
All the machinery necessary to dye wooden furniture: Sanding area, primer spray booth, paint booth, drying booth, mixing room
Wet paint booth for wood working industry
All the coating machines nicely integrated in one unit for a carpenter
Robot to manipulate wooden doors
Machine for wet spray painting
Industrial painting & drying booth with vertical air flow
Semi-downdraft wet paint application booth
Furniture paint booth
Paint finishing equipment for furniture maker
Small spraybooth with active carbon filtration system
Spray cabin with vertical ventilation to paint windows
Spray/dry booth with mixing room for wood industry
Active carbon filtration system to reduce VOC and the smell of paint
Paint shop for wooden constructions
Painter in front of an andrea filtering
Spray booth oven having diagonal air flow, used for varnishing as well
2025 Belmeko