Belmeko is a one-stop-shop by integrating the conveyor in the paint shop. Belmeko can integrate manual, powered and power& free systems.
Manual conveyor system
Power & Free powder painting line
Continuous conveyor with inclines et declines
Monorail system equipped with waiting zones between oven and multi section washing chamber system
Manual powder installation with brige crane for manipulation of the painted pieces
Monorail system for products up to 1.000 kg
Manuel load beams pulled automatically through a continuous oven
Big production buffer in manual overhead system
Coating line with powered overhead conveyor
Paint shop with powered overhead conveyor
Electric lift-lower device to easily hang on heavy parts
Manual overhead conveyor with coupling bridge crane
Coupling bridge crane
Powered overhead system
Power & Free conveyor (P&F)
P&F conveyor with lifting and lowering stations
Accumulation zone (P&F) in a drying oven
Automatic push system for manual rail
Multi-process system with manual overhead conveyor and coupling bridge crane
2024 Belmeko